Monday, February 25, 2019

Pike & Shotte Rules Review - a New Intent

I have finished digesting the significant content from the Warlord Games rule set Pike & Shotte by Steve Morgan. For those not familiar, this is the back-dated Black Powder variant covering wargaming from 1500-1700.
For those of you who follow my generic Unlucky General blog you will already know I'm a big fan of their rule mechanisms. I have been playing Black Powder for a few years now and have recently also embraced Hail Caesar.
In simple terms the variation between the Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB) rule mechanisms and the Warlord Games mechanisms moves the focus from the figure to the unit as a whole: lessening figure counting, dispensing with casualty (figure) removal and reducing the number of dice rolled - quantity if not frequency. This dispenses with the need for single figure basing which is a boon for my change in preferences.
The other main focus is on command with the actions of your units determined by rolling against different quality of leadership.
What it lacks is the peculiar attributes of character/leaders provided for in WAB but that's about the only thing I miss - something which house rule variants can easily overcome.
In most other respects there are more similarities than differences. I will be adopting this set.

As my Williamite Warfare (a proto Linear System) rules supplement indicates, I look for a greater specific level of representative detail in the evolving tactical doctrines and battlefield technology of late seventeenth century western Europe.
My particular focus from 1670-1690 is only brushed by Pike & Shotte in Steve Morgan's Wars of the Sun King section (pages 182-199). This edition contains the usual Warlord Games format of historical overview, army lists containing rule additions and an AAR of a wargame fought and how it played using the rules. The army lists and AAR are for 1689/90.
The rules themselves and this edition has clearly been a massive undertaking. Whilst impressive and notwithstanding my admiration for Steve Morgan's product I need more.

So, I will be creating an appendix to Pike & Shotte for Williamite Warfare (a Proto Linear System) and have already commenced. It will actually be relatively simple inasmuch as I need to create a few special rules (unit attributes) and converted army lists. I will also include an expanded commander template with special attributes fusing the Pike & Shotte system with WAB.


  1. Hi ! I have been using Pike & Shotte for Franco Dutch War and League of Augsburg War, I am looking forward to read your custom modifications, I made unit list for Spaniards for this rules and Baroque.

    1. You'll have to let me know what you think. I promise I can accept unvarnished truth. I'm not precious.

  2. Best of luck, it should be interesting to see how they adapt.

  3. I've yet to delve into the P&S era, but I do enjoy Black Powder and Hail Caesar (although I haven't played the latter in years) - for all the reasons you succinctly stated. I was introduced to wargamming with WAB - and although I was blessed to belong to an encouraging and nurturing group of WAB players, I always hated the individual casualty removals - particularly so as I was usually on the losing end of combat or shooting.

    1. Yes it's funny how I've changed over the years. I used to prefer casualty removal and now I can't be bothered and prefer what I can do with a multi-figure base. I loved WAB but I'm not sure if I'll go back to it unless a fellow gamer wants to and then I have not objections.

  4. Chances are Ray that others will find out before I actually get a game in. If you play test it, I'm open to feedback.
